Who we are

Germany faces significant security challenges at home and abroad. To meet these challenges, innovative thinking and interconnected action must guide its foreign and security policy.

To this end, Germany needs to improve the exchange of ideas among policy makers, business leaders and academia, in the armed forces and among the general public. The Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft (pmg), founded on September 16, 1997, addresses Germany’s security challenges by promoting an open discussion of novel ideas and policies.

The Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft (Political-Military Society) follows, in a form appropriate to our times, in the footsteps of the Militärische Gesellschaft (Military Society), established in Berlin in 1801 by a small circle of reformers, among them Gerhard von Scharnhorst, the spiritual leader of Prussia’s liberal reform movement.

In supporting an open exchange of ideas, the Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft (pmg) sees its aims reflected in those of Scharnhorst’s society, as laid down in 1803: “Our aim is reciprocally creating for ourselves the framework for a scientific debate, to provide opportunities for sharing our views and our judgment, to expand our knowledge and ideas, to collect observations and results.”

According to the charter of the Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft (pmg), the purpose of the society is “ the promotion of historically founded, innovative and interconnected thinking in Germany, focusing on the areas of foreign, security and economic policy.” Since the first meeting of members on October 1, 1997, regular bimonthly “Wednesday Meetings” take place. Characterized by short, concise presentations and disciplined, brief comments and questions, these meetings thoroughly discuss current issues. They include topics like inter-agency crisis management, human rights, arms export policy, preventive crisis management, the European Monetary Union, the enlargement of NATO and the European Union. The interest of the members guides the selection of issues.
The Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft (pmg) and its members have the opportunity to share their views in the society’s own publication “Denkwürdigkeiten”, published bimonthly and available at the pmg website (www.pmg-ev.com). Letters to the editor and comments are appreciated and can be submitted by e-mail.

Politisch-Militärische Gesellschaft e.V.
Postfach 52 04 72
50953 Köln

The pmg executive board consists of

  • Ralph Thiele (Chairman),
  • Dr. Hans-Ulrich Seidt (Deputy Chairman),
  • Heinz Schulte (Treasurer)